Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Как ВСЕ!

Солнечное и безоблачное воскресение выгнало меня на улицу раньше обычного. Обожаю выходные: народ меняет напыщенные маски на человеческие лица, неудобные костюмы на помятые джинсы, а тяжелые мысли на сладкие мечты. Неизменными остаются только сумочки  «в дамских когтях». Не вооруженным взглядом видать, народ отдает предпочтение  Louis Vuitton.
          Монограммная продукция различных форм и цветов, пестрит и вызываeт легкое головокружение: вот длиноволосый юноша с LV через плечо, очаровательная блондиночка c LV в грациозной кисти, карлик-горбун c LV под мышкой.

Фокусирую взгляд на  низкорослой мексиканочке – мозолистой рукой, из потертой клеенчатой сумки она дастает LV кошелек, вынимая карточку на продукты. Мда. Принцип «Хочу быть как ВСЕ» работает безотказанно! И не играет роли «кем» и «где» сделано, не говоря уже о том: из какого материала изготовлено…

Каждый, опрошенный (выбросим из этого списка голливудских звезд и мексиканских эммигрантов), с пеной у рта, будет утверждать, что его покупка является оригиналом, что у его знакомого есть знакомый, что cуществует волшебный сайт, в общем - ЭТО НЕ ПОДДЕЛКА!

Более всего, обижаются те, кто заплатил за сумку-мечту приличные деньги. Я полностью на вашей стороне, ибо отличить подделку, не зная тонкостей фирмы весьма и ВЕСЬМА сложно. Скажем честно, китайские человечки-роботы творят чудеса и вводят в заблуждение большую половину человечества.
И так, для тех кто желает вложить деньги, а не выбросить их на ветер, похвасться перед подругами, а не опозориться.

Что бы понять популярность, невзрачной на вид сумки, нужно обратиться к… истории.
Не надо нервничать, история не школьная и много времени не займет.

Louis Vuitton был первым изготовителем дизайнерских сумок, начиная с 19-го века (не будем сейчас говорить о других продуктах фирмы).
По статистике, LV имеет самое узнаваемое лого. Все гениальное - просто.
Качество продукции заработано, за счет багажных сумок. С этим тоже не поспоришь, лучшее доказательство прочности - сумка выжила в процессе «из пункта А в пункт Б».
Не смотря на технологии, багажные сумки и по сегоднешний день делаются в ручную. При изготовлении рамы используется 30-летний тополь, который выдержал 4-х летнию сушку!
Каждая сумка имеет свой серийный номер. Для удобства клиента делается только один ключ, который подходит к каждой, заказанной вами сумке.
На изготовление дорожного сундука (как красиво они смотрятся у звезд в аэропорту!) уходит порядка 60-ти часов, на изготовления чемодана – 15 часов.

Теперь задумаемся на минутку: можно ли это все купить за $39.99  на улице у дяди странной наружности? Который, по свой доброте, может еще и кошелек в подарок подсунуть…..
Второй вопрос – а надо ли это все простому смертному? Ибо сумки от LV включают в наследство и передают из поколения в поколение. Подумали? Согласна – чемодан, а тем более дорожный сундук, вряд ли нужен. Но вот сумочку на плечо или хотя бы кошелечек – ну очень хочется! Спорить не буду, что мы зря работаем! А если не зря, то и тратить деньги будем разумно, даже если денюшки не свои, а получены в подарок:

Для тех, кто пропустил историю, вышесказанную, повторю еще раз: стоить дешево сумка от LV НЕ МОЖЕТ. Отварачиваем свои личики от тех, кто считает нас полными идиотками.
Все строчки на изделии должны быть  ровными и без изъянов; ибо делали их не в подвале при плохом освещении  и 15-ти часовом рабочем дне.
Монограммы расположены аккуратно, на одном и том же расcтоянии друг от друга и никогда не разрезаны.
Продукция выполнена только из хороших материалов и должна быть на ощупь приятной и гладкой.
LV не имеет магазинов оптовой торговли и ларьков на улице.
Ярлык никогда не прикрепляется к сумке. Он вкладывается внутрь сумки, вместе с защитным чехлом.
Используемая  на сумке фурнитура, ни в коем случае не должна быть пластиковой и выкрашенной под золото.
Если вы не смогли найти, предложенную вам модель на сайте LV – значит это 100% подделка, даже если она и хорошо выполнена.

Ну а теперь, взяв на вооружение советы, отправляемся за покупками. Для обаятельных модниц мы предлагает несколько сайтов, где вы сможете приобрести или одолжить оригинальные сумки от LV или подыскать копию (replica LV) хорошего качества, и не скрывающую своего истинного происхождения:)

Sunday, May 3, 2015

10 Fascinating Facts About Butterflies

Everyone is familiar with butterflies, but how much do you really know about
these beautiful creatures?

  1. Butterfly wings are transparent
  2. Butterflies taste with their feet
  3. Butterflies live on an all-liquid diet
  4. A butterfly must assemble its proboscis as soon as it emerges from the   chrysalis
  5. Butterflies drink from mud puddles
  6. Butterflies can't fly if they're cold
  7. A newly emerged butterfly can't fly
  8. Butterflies live just 2-4 weeks, usually
  9. Butterflies are nearsighted, but they can see and discriminate a lot of colors
  10. Butterflies employ all kinds of tricks to keep from being eaten

Butterflies are a source of joy and inspiration to many. Find gift ideas with a butterfly theme

Affordable Gift Ideas for Butterfly Lovers:

CooShoe Collection: Dressing up infant for an outing is one of the biggest joys of parenthood and shoes always finish any outfit. CooShoe Collection from Happy Avenue is suitable for babies who don't walk. 

Big, Bold and Beautiful Brooches, Unique Brooch Jewelry Collection 
Modern Butterfly Brooch, Size 2.2 inches by 2.5 inches. Mate Golden Finish. Fun piece that is discreet in style but will add just enough sparkle to catch the eye

Scarf Pendant: This piece is thin and dainty. Has a polished silver tone finish and slides easily onto most scarves giving a simple stylish touch. It arrives in a cute little organza bag that is perfect for gifting. Please note; price given is for the pendant only and does not include the scarf shown in photos.

Party Favors Bags: Beautiful Summer Mood Theme, Butterflies Print, Gold and Silver Tone. Our own customize line of Sheer Organza Pouch Bags is more than elegant. The bags are made of high quality sheer organza, with decorative silver or gold print. It gives the bag its see-through quality.

Whatever you will choose, have a HaPPy Day!
Orders are shipped in 24 hours for the 50 states. (inc. Alaska and Hawaii). We can even have them sent direct to your friend or loved ones all wrapped up. Simply print "gift order" when check out. It's easy and so convenient to order a last minute gift.

Friday, April 10, 2015

The Most Eye-catching Accessories this season is...... 
                                                                                                               scarf ring:)

Choosing the right outfit is very important, but adding the right accessories is even more important. Every girl and woman has their own reason why they chose to wear particular fashion accessories. They are an important part of any woman's fashion. Accessories emphasize our personal taste, style and preferences. Some people do not realize the importance of accessories while dressing up. 

Pay special attention to what you wear or carry because it's the extras that matter and make all the difference to your look. The importance of accessories can really put the finishing touches on any wardrobe and they truly make a fashion statement.

Crystal Rings are the fashionable decoration for scarves, stoles and shawls. Oval Austrian Crystal Scarf Ring from our collection could be use as pendant, wrist band, headband or even belt accessory.

These little thing help to finish outfit and make a world of difference to your entire look. What would life be without accessories? Simply boring:)

    Sunday, June 29, 2014

    Disney Princesses

    Disney Princesses are a big part of every little girl’s life. Sleeping Beauty and Ariel are the only two Disney Princesses who reveal their true age, which both are 16. 

    They are also the youngest princesses to get married. Cinderella and Ariel are the only two Disney Princesses who change their princess costumes three or more time throughout the movie. 

     CooShoe Collection "Little Princess"Cinderella and Belle are the only two Disney Princesses who were not born princesses, they each married a prince and became a princess.

    Every girl should be treated like a princess. It Begins With The Right Pair Of Shoes!
    CooShoe Collection "Little Princess" is to teach parents "how to put shoes on a baby" and show your baby's cuteness. We guarantee you will be delighted. 

    Orders are shipped in 24 hours for the 50 states. (inc. Alaska and Hawaii). We can even have them sent direct to your friend or loved ones all wrapped up. Simply print "gift order" when check out. It's easy and so convenient to order a last minute gift.

    Saturday, June 28, 2014

    Cupcakes and More…

    Interesting Fact:

    The first mention of the cupcake (also British English: fairy cake) can be traced as far back as 1796. The name "fairy cake" is a fanciful description of its size, which would be appropriate for a party of diminutive fairies to share.

    While English fairy cakes vary in size more than American cupcakes, they are traditionally smaller and are rarely topped with elaborate icing.

    Cupcakes have become more than a trend over the years; they've become an industry. Cupcakes are nothing shy of a pure, sugary sweet heaven.

    One of Our Favorite & Healthy Recipes for Kids and Families from - Strawberry Cupcakes with Strawberry Buttercream


    • 2 3/4 cup(s) all-purpose flour
    • 1/2 cup(s) cake flour (not self-rising)
    • 1 tablespoon(s) baking powder
    • 1 teaspoon(s) salt
    • 8 ounce(s) (2 sticks) unsalted butter, softened
    • 2 1/4 cup(s) sugar
    • 3 large eggs
    • 1 large egg white
    • 1 cup(s) whole milk
    • 1 1/2 teaspoon(s) pure vanilla extract
    • 2 cup(s) finely chopped strawberries
    • Small strawberries, for garnish
    • Strawberry Buttercream
    1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line standard muffin tins with paper liners. Whisk dry ingredients in a large bowl. Cream butter and sugar with a mixer until light and fluffy. Add eggs, 1 at a time, beating after each addition.
    2. Reduce speed to low. Mix milk and vanilla in a bowl. Add dry ingredients to butter mixture in 3 additions, alternating with milk mixture and ending with dry ingredients. Stir chopped strawberries into batter. Scrape sides of bowl. Divide batter among muffin cups, filling each 2/3 full.
    3. Bake cupcakes until testers inserted into centers come out clean, about 20 minutes. Let cool in tins on wire racks. Once cupcakes are cool, frost tops with Strawberry Buttercream. Frosted cupcakes will keep, covered and refrigerated, for up to 2 days. Top with a strawberry just before serving.
    CooShoe "Sweet Cup Cake" was inspired by fascinating facts about cupcakes! 

     Crib Shoes CooShoe Collection "Sweet CupCake"
    P.S. Orders are shipped in 24 hours for the 50 states. (inc. Alaska and Hawaii). We can even have them sent direct to your friend or loved ones all wrapped up. Simply print "gift order" when check out. It's easy and so convenient to order a last minute gift.

    Friday, June 27, 2014

    Be honest: Are you a good gift wrapper?

    "Presents are made for the pleasure of who gives them, not the merits of who receives them."

    - Carlos Ruiz Zafon

    Be honest: Are you a good gift wrapper? There is a solution - Organza Gift Bags. Fast, easy, and elegant way to present your favors that are too pretty to hide.

    Favorite Holidays and celebration have colors associated with them. What color to choose?

    • Christmas - Red/Green 
    • Valentine's Day - Red 
    • St Patrick's Day - Green 
    • US Independence Day - Red/White/Blue
    • Halloween - Orange/Black 
    • Thanksgiving - Orange/Red/Brown 
    • Hanukkah - Blue/White
    • New Years - Silver/Gold
    • Bridal Shower - White/Light Pink
    • Wedding - White/Silver/Gold
    • Baby Shower - Pink/Blue
    • Corporate Event - Use your imagination and together we can create an unforgettable time for you.

    Organza pouches are very popular packaging option for Party Favors. Our own customize line of Sheer Organza Pouch Bags is more than elegant. The bags are made of high quality sheer organza, with decorative silver or gold print. It gives the bag its see-through quality.  They are great for presenting gifts for any events and celebration. Colorful candies, chocolate bars, candy, almonds, lavender buds, parfume bottles are just a few ideas. Simply pull the matching satin ribbon drawstring to secure your present. Our Pouch Collection is available in different colors and sizes. Sheer organza bags are a fast, easy, and elegant way to present your favors that are too pretty to hide. Simply choose color and pack size.

    Thursday, June 26, 2014

    Let's take a deeper look on Shamballa bracelets.

    The word "Shamballa" (also spelled Shambhala or Shambala) means  “bliss” (in Sanskrit). This kind of bracelet is not ordinary; it is famous because of the hidden meaning and believes. The history of these bracelets goes back to early Buddhists times. They were made by two ancient brothers, known as the Kornerup brothers. Both brothers have accepted the religious philosophy of the Buddhist and Tibetan, and believe that this particular kind of bracelet will fasten the healing effects of the body. It is said that wearing Shamballa bracelet can bring peace and joy in life.

    These simple little beaded accessories are taking center stage with celebrities  and gaining momentum in jewelry and clothing stores everywhere. Yes, this item is now sold all over the world!  They are made from a cord that is tied in special knots based from macramé. Each and every Shamballa bracelet has its basis cord that is braided to continue to keep together the collection of beautiful beads that are made from gems, stones, and  metals. The beads come in all different colors. Depending on the style, color, and shape, each bracelet has built in individual meanings.

    Bracelets were always in common and beautiful pieces of jewelry, especially to women.  Shamballa bracelet is one of the few jewelry accessories men can wear. They are comfortable and easy to put on.  They are also a lot less flashy.  The most popular are white and black. However, there is no limit to these items as part of your wardrobe. 

    The names of bracelets match the delicate beauty. "Snowball"  Shamballa Crystal bracelet takes its name from the shrub of the honeysuckle family snowball.  "Rose Of Sharon"  takes it's name from a large hibiscus shrub with lovely rose and white flowers. "Threaded Arbutus Flower " bracelet is given romantic name  from the dainty arbutus tree which carries an old Indian tale of warmth & color. 

    Whatever you’re wearing, make sure you don’t go anywhere without a Shamballa bracelet on your wrist.
    Find your own personal connection with Shamballa, explore & generate the energy these sparkling crystals emanate & revitalize your soul on the journey.